We participated online in  2020 International Conference on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence

Giri Basanta Raj, Junya Morita
Transferring a facial depression model to estimate mood in a natural web browsing task,
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence (ICPAI).


The following presentations http: // hai-conference .net / symp2020 /  were made at the HAI Symposium 2020. Due to the influence of COVID-19, the event was no longer held locally, but we made an online announcement. 

Factors that cause empathic behavior towards agents-Examination of the effects of physicality and exclusion experience- Yuna Kamio, Junya Morita.

Memory-based web advertising to distract rumination
Thanakit Pitakchokchai, Junya Morita, Yusuke Yamamoto, Hiroyasu Yuhashi, Teppei Koguchi

Heart rate variability analysis in model-based reminiscence Kazuki Itabashi, Junya Morita, Takatsugu Hirayama, Kenji Mase, Kazunori Yamada

Relationship between boredom and learning in the interpersonal interaction-Behavior analysis based on cooperative game fireworks- Nanaka Itakura, Ryu Yonoki, Ryo Yoneda, Yoshimasa Omoto, Junya Morita


Student in the laboratory received encourangement award at HAI symposium 2020.

List of award winners.

1. Ms. Itakura, a third year undergraduate student.

Half a year after becoming a lab member, she achieved an award from a study that summarizes the results of group work according to learning process theory in Department of Behavioral Information.

2. Mr. Hosokawa, a undergraduate student who is just a sophomore but participated in a conference and won the award. Although he is not yet in the laboratory, his research was conducted in advanced informatics training. Advanced informatics training is an original class of the Faculty of Informatics, Shizuoka University, that allows student (from second year) to do a research under advisor’s support.

Please do your best from now on because of encouragement. It is in such an era that I would like to reconsider the essence of communication.